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Indicate junctions or 'jumps' on your dives with these orange, white or green Cave Line Cookies. Especially designed to give maximum hold, with a space for writing a name, and holes for clips.


Made from injection molded, durable ABS
Supplied in packs of 5
Unique technical design with: Corners removed for ease of use, line guiding curves and grooves, holes for ring/identifier clipping, dedicated surface for marking
Used for orientation as a visual and tactile reference on a guideline
3 different types are available: Line arrows to indicate direction, cookies to denote a junction, non-directional markers reference a specific spot

Code: 415760

Mares Cave Line Cookies

49,00 krPris




    Järfälla Sporthall Mjölnarvägen 3
    177 41  Järfälla Stockholm Sverige

    Telefon 08-58360060

    Mobil 070-6566235


    Måndag-Fredag kl 12:00-18:00

    Lördag-Söndag/Helgdag Stängt

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