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Sturdy, durable harness straps, including a crotch strap, complete with D-rings in marine grade stainless steel and mounted onto our 3mm stainless steel backplate


3.5m webbing with center hole and grommet
3 x 40mm elastic loop retainers
1.5m crotch strap

2 x bent D-ring 50mm stainless steel
2 x straight D-Ring 50mm stainless steel
4 x 3-bar slides normal stainless steel with Mares logo
2 x 3-bar slides toothed stainless steel with Mares logo
1 x Waist buckle stainless steel with Mares logo

Crotch Strap
2 x straight D-rings 50mm stainless steel
1 x 3-bar glides 50mm stainless steel with Mares logo
DIR – Hogarthian configuration
Backplate stainless steel 3mm

Code: 417516
Material: Stainless steel

Mares Heavy Duty Complete Mount System 3 mm - XR Line

2 299,00 krPris




    Järfälla Sporthall Mjölnarvägen 3
    177 41  Järfälla Stockholm Sverige

    Telefon 08-58360060

    Mobil 070-6566235


    Måndag-Fredag kl 12:00-18:00

    Lördag-Söndag/Helgdag Stängt

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