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Quick drying, very strong, waterproof


70g tube of Stormoprene Contact Ahesive. Widely used in manufactiring and repair of waterproof and airtight items such as large inflatable boats (RIBS) and also felt wader soles.

This is the same high strength quick drying impact adhesive as used in the 2 part set. It can be used very effectively on most material as a single part.

You must use the 2 part for Hypalon.

Stormoprene 70g Tube Single part adhesive

149,00 krPris




    Järfälla Sporthall Mjölnarvägen 3
    177 41  Järfälla Stockholm Sverige

    Telefon 08-58360060

    Mobil 070-6566235


    Måndag-Fredag kl 12:00-18:00

    Lördag-Söndag/Helgdag Stängt

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