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A 15g tube on a card with full instructions. Stormsure Flexible Repair Adhesive will stick virtually anything. It is excellent for repairing anything that needs to be waterproof or airtight. It is highly abrasion resistant, and will glue together almost any two surfaces! It is slow curing, so there is never a rush to get it right. But once cured it is extremely difficult to break the bond. Stormsure is flexible when cured and ideal for fixing leaks and rips in leather, rubber and most man made or naatural fabrics. So you can repair your rubber boots, convertible hood, airbed, tent, furniture...the list goes on and on!!

Stormsure 15 gram bliste

59,00 krPris




    Järfälla Sporthall Mjölnarvägen 3
    177 41  Järfälla Stockholm Sverige

    Telefon 08-58360060

    Mobil 070-6566235


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